Pomodoro Technique

Do you not want to do the work of your writing today?

I think we all know how that feels!  It can be particularly tough when your day-job has used up your last neuron and you feel mentally exhausted.

However, the only way to keep moving forward in your writing is to do the work!

There are many ideas about how to overcome resistance and just get it done, and the one I am going to focus on today is the Pomodoro Technique created by Frances Cirillo.

To learn about this technique in less than a minute, check out this YouTube video:

To get a more in-depth look check out the company’s website.

Yes, it is that easy.  Set a timer to 25 minutes and work as hard as you can, with deep focus, at the task at hand without any distractions.  Turn off all electronic notifications.  Lock yourself away somewhere private and motor.  Then you get a five-minute break.  Repeat.

I find that knowing that I only have to focus for 25 minutes helps me take a bite out of something big, that might feel overwhelming to begin.  It makes it easier to take that first step.

Or, if it is something I just hate doing, I know I can stand anything for 25 minutes.

Same goes with just being exhausted and feeling done.  I can dig deep and find 25 more minutes of effort.

And getting to the break with a nice chunk of work done feels so virtuous and good that it keeps getting easier to take on multiple sets of 25 minutes sprints, which is good for those days where you really want to work longer but need some help getting motivated.


  • Be clear in your mind about what you want to accomplish in your 25 minutes. Are you writing? Are you researching? Are you editing?  Pick one so you stay focused
  • Be mindful – kindly pull your attention back to the task as it wanders
  • If you are tackling a huge task, do a work breakdown prior to the Pomodoro and grab a chunk that should take you about 25 minutes do.  For example, tackle part of a scene instead of a whole chapter