Activity Rainy Writing Day Adventure We stood around like loons scribbling in our notebooks and scrutinizing the piece of art for about 20 minutes.
Effective Story Telling Theme Queen Having a deep connection to a theme is one reason a reader can’t set that perfect book down.
Effective Story Telling That Pivotal Moment Thank goodness Bilbo ran after the Dwarves and Lucy explored that wardrobe. Otherwise, we would spend hundreds of pages just watching Bilbo eat and some bored kids waiting out WWII in the countryside.
Character Development I’m Conflicted These conflicts inside the heads of your characters are not just there for window dressing. They serve a structural purpose in your storytelling.
Point of View Whose Story Is It? The values, goals, and information known by the storyteller influence their narrative.
Technical Skills Brainstorm Forcasted I used the affinity diagram to help me think through the implications of my protagonist’s socially isolated upbringing.
Technical Skills To Infinitives and Beyond Being mindful with our use of infinitives and gerunds can help us better underscore the mood and feeling of our writing.
Technical Skills Because I Told You So Instead of whispering our narrative into the reader’s ear, let’s transport them into the middle of the action and allow them to directly experience the story.
Effective Story Telling Story Telling without Words What are the images you see and the sounds you hear communicating to you?