Character Development I’m Conflicted These conflicts inside the heads of your characters are not just there for window dressing. They serve a structural purpose in your storytelling.
Genre Urban Fantasy Even supernatural beings must cope with problems like lead paint and aging transportation infrastructure.
Technical Skills Brainstorm Forcasted I used the affinity diagram to help me think through the implications of my protagonist’s socially isolated upbringing.
Accomplish Hitting the Wall Since I am new to NaNoWriMo, I didn’t know that the struggle of week two is a well-discussed phenomenon, so I tumbled into the abyss completely unprepared.
world-building Real People in a Small World It’s terrible to imagine so much sorrow crammed into such a small village. The despair must have been inescapable.
Research Nine White Coffins The colors of mourning, symbolizing innocence and purity, were an unrelenting white.
Research Cincinnati Ghost Stories The cacophony of 30 girls 12 feet down a sewage vault screaming for help....
world-building Cause and Effect Like the ripples in a pond disturbed by a stone, each rule we set down for our fictional world pushes out a series of consequences.